Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Teeth Straightening Made Much Easier With Innovation


There was a time when you only had one option for teeth straightening. In the past, metal braces were the only option available for orthodontic care. In recent years many innovative procedures have been introduced to change the appearance of the teeth and to promote a lifetime of good dental health. Depending on the severity of correction that needs to be made, many methods are available. From Invisalign to traditional metal braces, the right plan is waiting for you.


Invisalign is the least invasive treatment for those who need only be concerned with straightening their teeth. Retainer type trays are created in a series of steps that gently forces the teeth into alignment. Invisalign is completely clear and invisible to the outside world, and also a less punishing way to straighten teeth. It is more comfortable  to the teeth and gums than traditional metal braces or ceramic appliances. Although an excellent alternative, it is not the best course of treatment for everyone. For those who need more complex correction, braces may be necessary. Also, due to expensive lab cost, invisalign tend to be more expensive.


The advances to braces in recent years are ceramic braces or lingual braces. Both are less visible to the world. Lingual braces are worn on the inside of the teeth, while ceramic braces are clear, with their only sign being the wires that run through them. The determination of which is the best course is dependent on many factors including dental insurance, cost and the evaluation of specific need.


Whatever option you choose, orthodontic care can lead to a lifetime of good dental health. By correcting an ineffectual bite it can save you from premature tooth decay, or conditions such as TMJ.  Braces are not just about having straight teeth. They are essential to correct any changes to the structure of your bite to prevent any consequences from it. If you are interested in getting more information about the many teeth straightening procedures that are available visit to schedule a free evaluation today. They have the professionals who can guide you to the best course for your individual needs.

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