Monday, November 11, 2013

An Orthodontist Is A Bite’s Best Friend


There are not many things that a person is more judged by physically than the look of their teeth and their smile. A smile is a very important aesthetic characteristic that a person has and often eh first impression that a person has to make to the world around them. It is also something that if you are not happy with you can change without risk or much inconvenience. It is perhaps the biggest cosmetic change you can make to your appearance. There are many options to changing your smile, but they should all begin with a trip to the orthodontist. With a professional who is trained specifically on altering the bite and the teeth is the first place you should start.
Many dentists will advertise their ability to perform the functions of orthodontistry, but when investing in something as important as your teeth, it is always best to consult those who are professionally trained in altering your bite and your teeth. It is not always enough just to straighten your teeth, sometimes there are structural issues that need to be addressed to protect the integrity of your teeth, and to decrease the potential for excessive wear and tear. When your bite is not structurally correct, it can cause wear not only on your teeth causing deformities, it can also cause health concerns. There are certain conditions such as TMJ and other jaw conditions which can result from ineffective chewing and biting. Over the years an incorrect bite can have disastrous results on an individuals entire health outcome.
Many new advances have been made in the world of orthodontistry. Altering your teeth and your bite can be done not only in a shorter time than once dreamed of, but at a cost that is more affordable. Many new advances are allowing individuals to correct their bite, straighten their teeth and transform the shape of their teeth without pain, or a high price tag. If you are interested in making your smile one of your best features and the one that represents who you are best, click here to make an appointment for a free consultation with an experienced orthodontist


  1. Met someone on the train with braces n they thought I had Invisalign...nope itz just my essix retainers lol!! She asked where is ur office im moving to the Bronx and I need to find a new place to go..I responded YES we have an office there..we practically have an office EVERYWHERE!!! �� Go to our FB to find a location near U!!
