Friday, November 22, 2013

The Early Is Not Always The Better For Metal Braces

There isnt a thing that most parents wouldnt do for their children. We all want the best for our child, and work very hard to give them all that we can within our power. Orthodontic care is something that is very important, not only to the aesthetics of a persons smile, but also to their long term dental health outlook. Many parents will finance their childrens care to insure that they are given a beautiful smile and the best chance at a healthy future. For some parents, however, orthodontic care is begun too early. In an attempt to begin the correction to change their appearance early on, they may be starting too early with treatment and jeopardizing the results, or lengthening the amount of care and time that their youngster will spend in metal braces.
When is the best time for braces of metal?


There is a new wave in dental and orthodontic practice that is seeing phases of orthodontic care. Starting as young as the age of seven, there is a care plan that sometimes can span as many as ten years time where the child will be in and out of braces again and again. The professionals of Diamond braces dont believe in starting too early very often. When you develop a care plan that spans so many years of changes and growth, you are exposing your children to unwanted and unwarranted years of cost and inconvenience not only for them, but for you. They believe that waiting until an appropriate time when all  all most of the baby teeth are gone, and taking care of the aesthetics, and the bite, is the most efficient and effective way to target orthodontic treatment.

What can braces made from metal do?

There are many useful things that braces can do, that is not deniable, but they can also be very destructive on the teeth and gums. Having them for longer than necessary is not a good option for anyone, or for any reason. Braces can cause side effects that can range from root resorption and overall discomfort, therefore, starting too early only prolongs the harmful side effects of them. There are some exception to the rule, as when there are perpetuating habits that foster structural damage such as finger sucking or lip biting. In some instances early intervention is a must to address early or partial anterior cross bite or posterior cross bite before the damage is permanent and harder to correct.

What is the appropriate length of time for a metal brace treatment?

The length of time that is appropriate for braces is usually about 12 to 24 months. Anything more than that is a waste of not only your time, but of your childs time and comfort. The professionals at Diamond braces believe that it is always better to shorten the length of time when possible. Using other devices such as retainers when possible, or to work without the use of braces when possible, is something that they evaluate, and take very seriously.

There is a reason why Diamond braces is the leading orthodontic care practice for metal braces in the industry, it is because they are not a one size fits all practice. They take great care to evaluate each individual case to come up with a care plan that is most appropriate, least punishing, and least expensive for the individuals that they serve. If you are interested in learning more you can go to their website and click here  or call today to schedule a free consultation.

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