Thursday, December 26, 2013

How Do Braces Work To Fix A Bite?


Many mistakenly think folks were braces to make the teeth straight. Obviously straight teeth are the result of wearing braces, but there are so many other reasons why braces are important. When your bite is not aligned properly every time you eat and your teeth touch, your teeth are meeting wrong. Over time, the tops of the teeth can be severely affected, causing tiny cracks that can lead to premature tooth decay and cavities. If your bite does not line up right, you can end up with some significant weakening of the teeth and the gums, even if you take good care of your teeth. If you are wondering how do braces work, they work by forcing the teeth into alignment to meet right when you bite down.

There are other conditions that can affect your long term health that are attached to an ineffective, or incorrect bite. If the jaw does not meet right, there is a lot of torque each time you bite. For some that can lead to conditions such as TMJ, or headaches. Often times when people experience headaches that are not explained, it can be a problem that stems from their jaw and teeth. Braces work by correcting the bite so that when you bite down the teeth meet and there is no back and forth repetition in the jaw which can cause the damage.

Braces are placed on the teeth and there are wires that run through them. It is the wires which are able to gently move the teeth into alignment. If your bite is off, tiny rubber bands are used to alter your jaw. When placed around the braces themselves, when you bite, the rubber bands gently pull one way or another to keep your bite in line. Over time that corrects the way that you bite and retrains the brain to bite more effectively to avoid unhealthy conditions later in life. Braces work in different ways depending on what the individual needs. That is why it is always best to get the evaluation of an orthodontic professional. They are specially trained on how to place braces on the teeth, and how to maintain them for the best straighten and correcting possible. If you are interested in getting more information about how braces can help you, go to to schedule your free office visit today.


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