Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Invisalign Retainer A Much Easier Approach To Straightening Your Smile


If you are interested in orthodontic care, but arent looking forward to walking around with a mouth full of metal, the good news is you dont have to. In recent years many new advances have flooded the industry making incognito braces a possibility to those who dont want braces to be seen by the outside world. The Invisalign retainer system is one treatment system that allows patient to straighten their smile without anyone knowing, or changing their appearance.

The Invisalign system is a retainer type device that is used to gently force the teeth into alignment. The trays are issued in a series of steps and are removable. Not only are they completely invisible to onlookers, they are also less punishing to the teeth and the gums than the traditional form of braces. A great way to straighten the teeth, unfortunately, they are not always the best option to change the bite or to redirect the jaw growth or to treat cases when teeth are impacted. For those who need more complex work than simply straightening teeth, it is not an appropriate treatment course. Many dentists are now offering the system to their patients, but are not always the best professionals to be making the determination about it being the right fit for their clients individual needs. It is always better to get the opinion and evaluation of an orthodontist before making any decisions about orthodontic care.

If the Invisalign procedure is not an option for you, there are other options that are available. Ceramic and lingual braces are excellent alternatives to the Invisalign system offering to patients the same invisibility with a better way to target more complex issues of bite and alignment. Ceramic braces are clear and worn on the exterior of the teeth the same as traditional braces, while lingual braces are worn on the inside of the teeth and not seen by anyone else but you. If you are interested in receiving information about the options available, or to have a professional orthodontist discuss the options which are suited for your needs, go to The website can provide you with the answers to your questions and give you information about how to schedule your free evaluation and exam today

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