Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Invisaline Improving The Look Of Smiles Everywhere

Perhaps the greatest advance to hit the orthodontic world is invisaline. It is a procedure which has completely revolutionized the discomfort of traditional braces. Not only aesthetically more appealing, it is something that is less punishing to teeth, gums and the patient. If you are looking to have your teeth straightened, the Invisalign treatment plan is definitely something that you may want to consider.  The best part about the procedure is that often times it is a lesser and not more  expensive alternative to traditional orthodontic care, costing on average only about $5000 in total.

Invisalign is a orthodontic treatment that uses retainer-type devices that are removable. In a series of stages, the device goes over the teeth and forces them gently into place. Not causing the same harshness to the teeth and gums, it is a gentler way to straighten the teeth and one that is more appealing to the outside world. There are many dentists who are now offering the invisaline treatment to their patients at a lower cost than you can get from an orthodontist, but as we all know, cheaper is not always better. There are some things that Invisalign is great for, but some others that it is not. Not all dentists understand the complexity of the structure of the bite, that is why it is best left up to the right professional, namely an orthodontist.

If a patient has severe skeletal issues with his or her bite and jaws, invisaline may not be a good alternative to braces. Braces can manage the structural change to the bite more effectively than Invisalign. Bite problems if left untreated could potentially lead to loss of teeth and damage of TMJ.  Before choosing the right plan for your orthodontic care it is always best to get the evaluation of a trained and licensed orthodontist. Only orthodontists  specialize in the care, and the correction, of not only teeth alignment, but the bite as well. Having a bite that is sound is not only important for the look of your smile, but also for long term dental health. If you would like more information about the invisaline procedure visit or schedule an appointment with them today for a free evaluation.

1 comment:

  1. I really love the idea of invisaline. It's got an extremely good concept, and from what I hear it works. Next time I head to the dentist I think I'll ask him if I could switch to invisaline, because it sounds really cool. I just love the idea how it's so hard to notice.
