Sunday, December 22, 2013

Orthodontic Care Can Be Easy With Invisalign Express

f your teeth are not that crowded and your case is limited to cosmetic improvement, Invisalign express may be a viable option. Many individuals who did not have the means to straighten their teeth in their youth are considering the option of adult braces. If your concerns are based upon either aesthetics, or the time involved in maintenance of orthodontic care, Invisalign is an excellent option. Invisalign is a procedure that involves retainer-type devices that are removable. They are placed over the teeth, and virtually invisible. They work by gradually forcing the teeth into place. Not only are they a less invasive treatment, they also are completely clear. The cost of the Invisalign treatment can range from $3000-$8000 but on the average is approximately $5000.

Invisalign is a good way to straighten teeth for those who have only cosmetic misalignment of the teeth with a normal bite.  If there are more complex issues to the bite, or structure of the teeth, Invisalign may not be the best course. Many dentists are now offering express Invisalign to their patients. Invisalign Express is limited only to 10 trays that are worn about 14 days each. Invisalign Express is not a good idea. It will limit the dentist's ability to correct the bite and accomplish a more precise alignment correction.  Because Invisalign is not appropriate for all individual cases, it is always best to get an evaluation by an orthodontist before making the decision to have your teeth straightened. Not only is orthodontic care important for the aesthetics of your teeth, it is also imperative for long term dental health.

If you straighten your teeth, but do nothing to correct your bite, you arent addressing the concerns of long term dental health. A bite which is structurally wrong can lead to premature tooth decay, or other health conditions such as TMJ. Before deciding which orthodontic course is best for your individual needs, make sure to have an evaluation done by the professional who is specifically trained. An orthodontist is the professional who should diagnose your individual needs and create the appropriate treatment course for you. If you are interested in learning more about the options available, go to, or call to schedule a free evaluation for express Invisalign treatment today.

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